Cancer Awareness and Prevention
Last Call Foundation is dedicated to helping firefighters protect their health and save themselves and their families from the devastating effects of a cancer diagnosis.
Boston firefighters are 2 and a half times more likely to be diagnosed with cancer than other Boston residents.
Cancer caused 61% of the career firefighter line-of-duty deaths from 2002-2016.
For Boston firefighters, cancer caused 67% of line-of-duty deaths between 2002-2014.
Firefighters have increased risk for prostate cancer, testicular cancer, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and multiple myeloma, among others.
Many firefighters receive multiple cancer diagnoses.
The need for cancer awareness and prevention, including aggressive annual physicals with early cancer screening is vital.

Last Call Foundation is proud to support the Boston Fire Department's ongoing health and wellness initiatives, including its aggressive cancer-prevention program. In 2015, the nonprofit Firefighter Cancer Support Network (FCSN) delivered its extensive cancer-prevention training to every Boston firefighter.

In 2016, Last Call Foundation collaborated with FCSN and Michael Hamrock, MD, to deliver FCSN's training and Dr. Hamrock's cancer-screening recommendations to firefighters across Massachusetts.
Our other partners for this successful program included the Professional Fire Fighters of Massachusetts, the Massachusetts Department of Fire Services, the Massachusetts Fire Academy, the Fire Chiefs Association of Massachusetts, and the Massachusetts Call Volunteer Firefighters Association.
Last Call Foundation continued our battle against occupational cancer in 2017 with support for FCSN's popular cancer-prevention train-the-trainer program.
The statistics above were generated by the Firefighter Cancer Support Network. Learn more about FCSN's efforts and prevention services on their website: